If you have any questions concerning the information contained on this page, please contact Jessica Lucero, VP of Membership. Jessica's information is found on the Directors Page.
ACTIVE - $45 annual dues
Has successfully completed a voluntary specialty certification examination administered by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney (see section 4.02 for the definition of paralegal); or
Has successfully completed the voluntary certification examination given by the National Association of Legal Assistants, Inc., plus one year of employment experience as a paralegal currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; or
Has a bachelor’s or higher degree in any field plus one year of employment experience as a paralegal currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; or
Has successfully completed ABA approved program of education and training for paralegals plus one year employment experience as a paralegal currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; or
Has successfully completed a paralegal program consisting of a minimum of (60) semester hours (or equivalent quarter hours) of which fifteen (15) hours are substantive legal courses plus one year of employment experience as a paralegal currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; or
Has successfully completed a paralegal program consisting of a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of substantive legal courses plus two years of employment experience as a paralegal currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; or
Has a minimum of three (3) years of employment experience as a paralegal currently working under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; or
Is self-employed on a freelance basis, so long as the applicant is involved in the generation of substantive legal work that otherwise would be performed by an attorney. The applicant must be performing such work under the ultimate direction and supervision of a duly licensed attorney plus have a minimum of five (5) years employment experience as a paralegal.
ASSOCIATE - $40 annual dues
Be presently employed as a paralegal under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney, but has not yet satisfied the educational requirements of employment experience as a paralegal under sections 1 thru 8 (Qualifications for Active Membership); but otherwise satisfying the criteria for active membership; or
Be presently employed as a coordinator or supervisor of a paralegal program within a law firm, company or agency, and previously having met the criteria set forth under sections 1 thru 8 (Qualifications for Active Membership); or
Be presently employed by a company or agency related to the legal profession but is not under the direct supervision of a duly licensed attorney; but otherwise satisfying certification or educational requirements for active membership; or
Possess a minimum of 1 year of experience as a paralegal, be currently unemployed, without satisfying the requirements of employment as a paralegal under sections 1 thru 8 (Qualifications for Active Membership).
All applications meeting the qualifications of Section 4 (above) must submit a current resume with his/her application, shall be a member for a period of one year, and must be employed at the time of membership renewal.
STUDENT - $15 annual dues
Be currently enrolled in an ABA approved program of education and training for paralegals; or
Be currently enrolled in a paralegal program that consists of a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours (or equivalent quarter hours) of which fifteen (15) are substantive legal courses; or
Be currently enrolled in a paralegal program that consists of fifteen (15) semester hours of substantive legal courses.
SUSTAINING - $60 annual dues
Sustaining Membership. Any natural person, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other entity or organization may be a Sustaining Member of the Corporation so long as the party considered for sustaining membership endorses the purposes of the Corporation as set forth in Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation. Each application for sustaining membership shall be considered and acted upon pursuant to the procedures set forth in section 9.01 of these Bylaws. Sustaining Members shall not be considered “members” as that term is defined in the Texas NonProfit Corporation Act and shall have only those rights and obligations that are specifically set forth in these Bylaws. Sustaining Members shall not be entitled to vote on any matters presented to the members by the Board of Directors. Sustaining membership shall not confer any property rights in the Corporation to the Sustaining Member.